Fire Pathways™

XyloPlan creates a data-driven, shared view of wildfire risk, with actionable solutions that enable Fire Adapted Communities

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Fire Pathways™ are the routes formed by the combination of topography, weather, and vegetative fuel that bring wildfire to values-at-risk, including structures and critical infrastructure, during a fast-moving, wind-driven fire event



Vegetation-to-vegetation Fire Pathways™ are the fastest routes that wildfire takes through vegetative fuels during a wind-driven event. These Fire Pathways can be disrupted by vegetation treatments, which slow the fire, increasing arrival time of fire to values-at-risk.


Vegetation-to-structure Fire Pathways™ are the transition points from vegetative fuels to the built environment. This transition can be disrupted with a combination of defensible space, home hardening, and an effective fire fighting response.


Structure-to-structure Fire Pathways™ are the paths that fire takes between high density structures in a suburban environment, where the structures themselves are the fuel carrying the fire. These Fire Pathways can be disrupted by an effective fire fighting response. When Structure Separation Distance is less than 50 feet, defensible space and home hardening measures cease to be effective due to higher and longer heat flux generated by an adjacent burning structure.

Fire Pathways™ are the routes formed by the combination of topography, weather, and vegetative fuel that bring wildfire to values-at-risk, including structures and critical infrastructure, during a fast-moving, wind-driven fire event



Vegetation-to-vegetation Fire Pathways™ are the fastest routes that wildfire takes through vegetative fuels during a wind-driven event. These Fire Pathways can be disrupted by vegetation treatments, which slow the fire, increasing arrival time of fire to values-at-risk.


Vegetation-to-structure Fire Pathways™ are the transition points from vegetative fuels to the built environment. This transition can be disrupted with a combination of defensible space, home hardening, and an effective fire fighting response.


Structure-to-structure Fire Pathways™ are the paths that fire takes between high density structures in a suburban environment, where the structures themselves are the fuel carrying the fire. These Fire Pathways can be disrupted by an effective fire fighting response. When Structure Separation Distance is less than 50 feet, defensible space and home hardening measures cease to be effective due to higher and longer heat flux generated by an adjacent burning structure.

Throughout the United States, 44.8 million housing units are in the Wildland Urban Interface, with an exposure of wildfire. Fire Adapted Communities can reduce their risk of wildfire loss by understanding and disrupting Fire Pathways™.


Use Fire Pathways™ models to identify both community and parcel-specific risk assessments when underwriting property policies and building a profitable portfolio. These risk assessments are informed by current conditions, inclusive of mitigations the community has undertaken.

With XyloPlan, underwriters can use statewide data to inform the relative wildfire risk for communities, and parcels within those communities, enabling increased portfolio management efficiency.

Local Government

Optimize limited fuel treatment resources to achieve the greatest results by prioritizing the most cost-effective treatments in those areas capable of supporting the fastest-moving wildfires.

With XyloPlan, Community Wildfire Resilience is simplified with science-based models and recommendations, allowing stakeholders to share a view of wildfire risk and prioritize mitigations that slow the arrival of wildfire to population centers and critical infrastructure.

HOAs / Developers

Understand the most effective mitigations to decrease the threat of wildfire to your community and provide data to insurers to help them assess appropriate wildfire risk when writing policies for your development.

With XyloPlan, HOAs and developers can engineer their communities to mitigate wildfire risk and use data to influence adjacent public landowners to prioritize risk-reducing vegetation treatments.


Partner with local agencies to create resilient communities that can be within or adjacent to wildfire perimeters without sustaining catastrophic damage.

With XyloPlan, utility companies can demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of targeted vegetation treatments, along their own right-of-ways and adjacent to surrounding communities, in order to increase resilience through effective vegetation treatment plans and beneficial fire.

Our Vision

XyloPlan uses data–driven methods to create a shared view of wildfire risk for insurers, local government, utilities, and landowners. We provide actionable and cost-effective recommendations to reduce risk by disrupting Fire Pathways™.

Our goal is to provide a framework to create and maintain Fire Adapted Communities through high-value, prioritized mitigations, which slow wildfire spread into critical areas. These mitigations allow communities to encounter wildfire without sustaining catastrophic damage.



Provide data to allow insurers and reinsurers to underwrite policies that make parcel-based risk assessments in relation to Fire Pathways™


Enable vegetation management teams to assess, prioritize, and execute impactful vegetative fuel treatments with limited resources


Relate the ability, capacity, and arrival times of fire fighting resources to Fire Pathways™


Allow agencies to better communicate wildfire risk to stakeholders and prioritize effective outreach, education, incentives, and enforcement of home hardening and defensible space measures

Get started by learning more about XyloVTP

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Working with insurers, local governments, HOAs, and utilities to understand wildfire risk and prioritize actionable mitigations

"Without large-scale, cross-industry collaboration  and commitment, losses from wildfire will only continue to worsen. Working together, we can help reduce the loss of life and property in the wildland urban interface and improve insurance stability.”

Frank Frievalt

WUI Fire Institute, California Polytechnic State University

Explore our case studies and press releases to see how we are making an impact


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